Debate of 10th september: Encouragement or Hilarious ? -Trump and Harris Shake Hands

On a simmering evening at the National Constitution Center, the Philadelphia’s air hung thick and heavy, the stage was set in a divided nation. It was a moment where two forces would meet, not in the chill of a debate room or the warmth of a handshake, but in the fiery clash of ideas and visions. In that fleeting dusk, with the weight of history pressing down like the last rays of a sun, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump faced each other. The atmosphere, tense and alive, mirrored the anticipation of millions.

Sounds very poetic, doesn’t it? Ladies and gentlemen. Here I am to tell you each conclusion of every aspect;

The Debate of 10th September

A. Policies Planned

Lynda started off with a question about where America’s Economy place compared to 4 years ago, the start of Harris’s position as VP. Harris started to explain her purposes and plans. For instance, she proposed a $50k for small businesses that she expressed as the backbone of America’s economy.

Trump proceeded to say that Biden-Harris’s Administration only led to the country’s destruction as they let millions of dangerous people get into America “We have to get them out fast” he expressed. And he stated that he would be the one to do it.

Harris then talked about Trump’s presidency making the;
A. highest unemployment since The Great Depression
B. Worst Public Health on Epidemic
C. Worst Attack on Democracy
D. The Worst on Building Aspirations

She also mentioned Trump’s project 2025 which isn’t going to be worth it. Then Trump denied the project 2025. He also mentioned that his presidency had the greatest economy and it was just being held by the pandemic. He said he didn’t get much credit for what he was doing for the pandemic and healthcare while getting tons of compliments for his military actions.

B. Tariffs Administration

Kamala began to tell the information based on 16 Nobel winners. She explained that Trump’s policies (especially Tariffs) will worsen the economy. Trump counterattacked with Wharton’s Professor’s statements about his plan that potentially bring up the value of America as it increases employment.

Trump mentioned that the Tariffs won’t affect any middle class in purchasing a house. The ones who will pay higher will be China and other countries that try to “rip America off”. He even declared that America’s economy was higher than the countries he mentioned.

Tariffs on Biden Administration

Kamala mentioned that this policy will lead to the highest deficit in America. She told us that America needs a leader who focuses on us, so we can win on modernization, technology, etc. Trump answered her by stating her being sided with his philosophy and stating she was a Marxist.

C. Abortion Rights

On her terms, Trump expressed that America has a worst West Virginia governor who wanted to take care of a baby that wanted to be aborted, Trump said that he wouldn’t stand that as it equals to execute the baby. He also mentioned that he got credit for bringing the Roe Wade case back from all states, besides Ohio and Kansas.

Kamala proceeded to answer that she won’t stand Trump’s policy on banning abortion. She stated that it is immoral for a woman to hold immense pain when the medical experts can’t do anything as they don’t want to live in jail. But after that, Trump refused Kamala’s statement that he would propose the banning.

Restrictions on Abortion

Kamala stated that she supported this and proceeded to state that it is unconscionable to support the restriction. She later compared herself to Trump who doesn’t support IVF. Kamala’s statement on IVF was denied by Trump as he proposed that he has been the highest support for IVF. In fact, he once made the Alabama Court turn to support IVF after two days of his visit.

D. Crossing Border Policies

Kamala stated that she had imposed Transactional Criminal Organizations that help trafficking guns, drugs, and human beings. The USA could also post the border security bill which will increase the border agents to 1,5k. Then, she proceeded to talk about Trump’s rallies that only talk about fictional characters boringly.

Trump then answered that Biden-Harris did the worst job of handling immigrants. The states that had been impacted were only silencing themselves. In addition, the Immigrants also did many dirty and disgusting jobs, eating everyone’s pets for instance.

How to deport 11 million immigrants?

Trump began to talk about the problem, not the solution asked. He mentioned that America will deteriorate because of these immigrants who also have increased America’s criminal graphs to the highest. Trump also mentioned that the FBI didn’t include the cities that have higher criminal numbers.

E. American Oil

Kamala mentioned that she won’t ban fracking, she said she will be the tiebreaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act which will open leases for fracking positions. That’s why she will try to reduce foreign oil. Meanwhile, Trump stated that Harris has been opposed to fracking for 12 years.

6th of January: The Capitol Attack

When Trump was asked whether he regretted anything regarding the attack of 6th January, he turned to blame Nancy Pelosy, the 52nd USA representative, who was involved in the attack. Pelosy was blamed for her involvement by a piece of tape evidence found by her daughter. Harris then turned to state Trump’s immorality for stating “it’s fine” when 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died

The debate turned to Harris stating that the Americans deserve better. On the other side, Trump mentioned Viktor Orban, former prime minister of Hungary, who he confirmed Trump as a president who has been feared by many leaders.

International Wars

A. Israel and Hamas

Kamala stated that both countries will get the defense they deserve. Israel will have their-deserved security in equal measure as Palestinians which she stated will rebuild Gaza and ensure Palestinians’ security, dignity, and self-determination. All those are done while America tries to do a ceasefire deal and take the hostages out.

Trump then mentioned that he would negotiate with Netanyahu and take the hostages out. He also stated that Kamala hates both Israel and Iran from some facts that she missed any speeches by Netanyahu or other events. Harris then turned to blame Trump for the weak National Security and Foreign Policy.

B. Ukraine vs Russia

Trump declared that he had a good relationship with both countries, and he assumed that he would get the war done in 24 hours. Then he compared himself to Biden who hasn’t been calling Putin for 2 years. On the contrary, Harris stated that she was the one who united 50 nations to support Ukraine.

She mentioned how Trump will end the war in 24 hours by letting Putin sit in Kyiv, as an expression of his favor and friendship between dictators. Trump counters back by blaming Harris for the war. In fact, she once met with Zelensky to talk about tranquility and the war started 3 days later, meaning that she couldn’t talk about freedom and peace, making her the worst vice president in America’s history, Trump said.

C. War of Afghanistan

Harris stated she and Biden administration saved 300$ million a day from paying for that endless war. On the contrary, she mentioned that Trump had disparaged members of America’s fallen soldiers. Trump then disclosed the confirming his involvement in the Taliban’s 18-month sudden ceasefire.

Racial Identity Issue

In his statement on Harris’s race weeks ago, he read that she was American until 3 and a half years ago she came into the world’s view and it turns out she was black. Kamala counters by using Trump’s statement that he has done many racial things and that Americans need a leader who is better than him.



After 9 years and 3 times running for presidency, Trump has a plan for better healthcare than Obamacare which he mentioned as lousy healthcare.


Kamala claimed that she had strengthened the Affordable Care Act on her and Biden administration. She also negotiated drug prices, which Trump never did. She informed that Trump had eliminated the ability of insurance companies to deny people with pre-existing conditions. On the contrary, Trump stated that she would never improve private insurance. She wants everyone to use government insurance where you have to wait months for an urgent surgery.

Climate Issue

To fight climate change, Harris assures people that she will open up auto plans. For 4 years in the Biden-Harris administration, she stated that they have;

  1. Invested trillions in clean energy.
  2. Increase domestic gas production.
  3. Created over 800k new manufacturing jobs.

Trump then explained that Harris and Biden had lost 10k manufacturing jobs. Therefore, by tariffs, he won’t let China get a pass as he mentioned that China has been the one to kill America by their auto-workers. He then stated that Biden had been paid $3.5 million by China to shut himself up.


What She Proposed and Promised?

In the end, Harris closes the debate by proposing her promises to the 10 million Americans. She intends to invest in the future and to you. She said she wants to give the best for the Americans as her first priority as a president. Therefore, with her, America will move forward.
“I will be a president that will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms including the right of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not her government,” she stated.
“The only thing I ever ask is ‘Are you okay’ and that is the kind of president we need right now. Someone who cares about you and is not putting themselves first,” she proceeded.

What He Said?

Meanwhile, instead of confessing his plans, Trump proceeded to ask her why she hadn’t done it 3.5 years ago. He said America is a failing nation because of that. Then, he talked about wars in the Middle East which America got involved.
“I rebuilt the power of weaponry, our entire military. She gave it away to the Taliban. She gave it away to the Taliban. She gave it away to Afghanistan,” he declared.
“Maybe the toughest of all is following millions of people to come into our country. The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country.” With that last statement, the 105-minute debate came to a close.

We are left with the wisdom that “Rome wasn’t built in a day” — real progress takes time, patience, and commitment. Like seeds planted in soil, only consistent care will allow these ideas to bear fruit. It is up to you who must now water the seeds of democracy with careful choices. “A house divided cannot stand,” and the future of the nation hinges on unity, leadership, and resolve. This 10th September Debate may be a guide for your decision for America’s future.

No matter who emerges victorious, what we all hope for is a leader who will be great enough to fulfill their promises. A president who will stand by their word, bring the change they spoke of and uplift the nation. As we move forward, we carry with us the desire for a better future, one shaped by commitment and integrity.

So, until the dust settles, see you on November 9th.

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Sources :

(55) Full Debate: Harris vs. Trump in 2024 ABC News Presidential Debate | WSJ – YouTube


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